# Configuration file compatibility { D:"BuildCraft Conversion Ratio"=16.0 B:"Disable INPUT of BuildCraft energy"=false B:"Disable INPUT of IC2 energy"=false B:"Disable INPUT of Mekanism energy"=false B:"Disable INPUT of RF energy"=false B:"Disable OUTPUT of BuildCraft energy"=true B:"Disable OUTPUT of IC2 energy"=true B:"Disable OUTPUT of Mekanism energy"=true B:"Disable OUTPUT of RF energy"=true B:"Disable old Buildcraft API (MJ) interfacing completely?"=false D:"IndustrialCraft Conversion Ratio"=6.557376861572266 I:"Loss factor when converting energy as a percentage (100 = no loss, 90 = 10% loss ...)"=100 D:"Mekanism Conversion Ratio"=0.6557376980781555 D:"RF Conversion Ratio"=1.600000023841858 } display { B:"If BuildCraft is loaded, show Galacticraft machines energy as MJ instead of gJ?"=false B:"If IndustrialCraft2 is loaded, show Galacticraft machines energy as EU instead of gJ?"=true B:"If Mekanism is loaded, show Galacticraft machines energy as Joules (J) instead of gJ?"=false B:"Show Galacticraft machines energy in RF instead of gJ?"=false }